Sunday, May 28, 2006

Sunday 5/28, 9pm

Dad's situation is holding steady, with even some improvement.

His ICP is about 10 (under 20 is good), with CPP in between 80 and 90 (60 min; over 70 is good). The medical staff have been able to cut back the barbituates by half (these were used to induce a coma to calm his brain and minimze the swelling). His sodium level is slowly falling (this is good).

He was infused with Fresh Frozen Plasma to help his clotting.

His most recent CAT scan, from 9am today, indicated new/increased edema (swelling) in the left cerebellar region, in addition to the existing edema in the both the right and left frontal lobes. There are also hemmoragenous contusions in his right temporo-parietal region. To view brain maps to make sense of all this medical jargon, go to
Or click here to view a Glossary of Neurosurgical Terms

The next 24 hours will be critical. If his numbers stay the same or improve during that time, his progosis will be much better.


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